It happens to the best of us. Commercial shampoos, harsh hair treatments, poor eating habits, environmental pollutants…they all wreak havoc with our hair at one time or another. You know the symptoms, don’t you? Brittleness, frizzies and split-ends are just a few of the problems that commonly pop up.
If you are like me, you’ve probably tried everything from hot oil treatments to salon therapy. Some of them work a time or two. Maybe three. Then, nothing.
It’s frustrating. Aggravating. Discouraging. Sometimes, it makes you wanna just chop those locks off and start over. Before you do something drastic, you might consider trying a natural solution.

There are so many natural ingredients available that work wonderfully on damaged hair that it would be nearly impossible to list them all. These are a few of my favorite stand-bys, all of which are available in my Hair Therapy and Rinse Combo.
~Honey ~
For the hair? Absolutely! Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it has the ability to attract and retain water, a valuable characteristic if your hair is parched and dry. Honey also contains natural antioxidant properties that make it ideal for helping to protect your hair from environmental damage including harsh UV rays and pollutants.
It doesn’t end there, though. Honey also contains a wide range of B vitamins including B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3, as well as copper, iodine and zinc. These vitamins and minerals are fantastic when you are dealing with hair loss, dandruff and graying.
Don’t forget honey’s natural soothing properties and anti-bacterial action, which are wonderful for helping with an itchy scalp.
~Sesame Oil~
Besides being antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant, Sesame oil quickly penetrates the hair and skin, attracting toxins that can then be carried out of the system as waste. It also has the ability to protect the hair from future damage and helps regulate cell regeneration, which can lead to better hair growth and less graying.
~Grapeseed Oil~
This wonderful oil is high in antioxidants, vitamins A, B & C, polyphenols and resveratrol, which makes it a powerful antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial oil. As a protectant, it adds moisture and lightly coats the hair to add a beautiful shine without being heavy.
~Shea Butter~
This rich, luxurious butter has been used for centuries to nourish and protect the hair. It absorbs quickly into the hair and scalp to provide moisture and protection without clogging pores. It is particularly good for repairing dry, brittle, damaged hair. It has long been used as a natural hair conditioner because of its ability to soften the hair without leaving it heavy or oily.
This is one ingredient that always draws comment from my customer. The most asked question is ‘will this make my cat attack my hair’. The answer is no. What it will do is promote hair growth and add luster to dry, dull locks.
This wonderful kitchen herb has been used for ages to promote strength in weak hair, to stimulate the hair follicle and to help promote a healthy scalp. It has also been reported to help with graying and dandruff.
~Apple Cider Vinegar~
This is by far one of my favorite hair care ingredients. It helps regulate the natural pH of both the hair and scalp, adds amazing softness and manageability, promotes hair growth and cleanses the hair and scalp of dirt and toxins. It is a natural anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial and is full of potassium which is essential for healthy hair.
So, before you head back to the salon for your next hair treatment, give some of these natural ingredients a chance. You might find that you can cancel that appointment…