Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis)
Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, has beautiful yellow-green leaves that are crinkly and coarse, with a crisp lemon scent that emerge early in the Spring and remain until the hot summer months roll in. It enjoys a bit of morning sun, but will grow much longer and bigger in shade. She prefers rich, well-drained soil, but she produces more of the healing essential oils in slightly poor soil that gets dry between waterings. The leaves can be harvested at any time, but are best left until just before the plant blooms. They can be left on the stem and hung in bundles in a dark, cool, airy spot to dry. Lemon Balm is antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, febrifuge, sedative, tonic, stomachic, antispasmodic, citronellel, polyphenols, eugenol acetate, geraniol, tannin, rosmarinic acid, triterpoids, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, quercetin
Warning: May interfere with sedatives or thyroid medication
Lemon Balm's benefits are used for:
a very mild sedative that won’t cause drowsiness. Useful in treating anxiety, stress, insomnia, and depression
lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
reduces heart rate
protects and repairs the liver
as a digestive aid, it is effective for settling an upset stomach from indigestion and heartburn
soothes colic in babies
relieves symptoms of PMS, including menstrual cramps, headaches and mood swings
increases cognitive function and memory
kills candida overgrowth
fights infectious bacteria
reduces blood sugar levels
causes apostosis of cancer cells
eases fevers and cold symptoms
fresh leaves can be applied to wounds and insect bites, or rubbed on the skin and clothes to help repel insects
protects against oxidative stress from low-level radiation
reduces chronic inflammation
regulates overactive thyroid
aids in the treatment of the herpes simplex virus
added to the bath, it relieves muscle tension and soothes irritated skin
History of lemon balm:
Honeybees love lemon balm. Beekeepers often plant lemon balm to add a mild citrus flavor to their honey and increase honey production.
In tarot, lemon balm is associated with the Chariot
Magick Associations: Venus Jupiter Cancer Love Diana To invoke the Goddess