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Tamara’s New Adventure

Writer's picture: Tamara GlascockTamara Glascock

Wow, I haven’t put a new post on here since May?  Really?  I am slacking, aren’t I?

In my own defense, I have been terribly busy.  Honest!  See, we kinda uprooted our lives and headed for the hills.  Literally.

See, here’s what happened….

My front porch view

We got the chance to move back to the family farm and take care of my husband’s mom and, well…you can read all about that at my sister blog, Tranquil Haven Hollow, if you want that whole story.  Needless to say,  it was one of those golden opportunities that you only dream about, so we couldn’t pass it up, right?

Here’s the secret that I’ve been holding back when everyone asks me how things are coming along on the farm…I’m exhausted!  My body aches in places that I never even knew existed and my brain is so fried I’m feelin’  like a hippie the morning after Woodstock.  My hands are blistered, cut and raw, my shoulders and back are so knotted up I don’t think I’ll ever stand up straight again, and I have enough dirt under my fingernails to start a new garden.  So, there you have it.  There’s my big secret.  I’m a big ol’ whinin’ sissy.

So, when I woke up this morning and couldn’t roll my butt out of bed because I hurt so bad, I finally had to admit defeat.  I am no longer 20 years old.

Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m not giving up, but I did have to remind myself of something that is easy to forget…sometimes, we just have to stop for a day or two and recharge.  Sometimes, it is necessary to simply do nothing but exist.  Walk barefoot in the grass.   Lose yourself in making pictures out of the clouds.  Wrestle with the dogs.  Laugh with the kids.  Cuddle with the husband.  Sometimes, we just need to stop and remember why it is we push ourselves so hard every day.

Apparently, it did me some good.  I’m here writing this post, after all.   Of course, I don’t have any magic tips or tricks, no sales pitch.  I got nothin’, so I guess I’m just gonna share a bit of what’s going on here at Tamara’s Herbes in the hope that you will all forgive me for not posting as often over the next few months.

We have a hell of a start on our new business.  The greenhouse is up and running.  Check it out!

Awesome greenhouse, huh?

We are researching and playing with solar and wind power.  Too bad we haven’t figured it out quite yet…

We have a lovely little flock of chickens, we are raising worms…um…what else…?  Oh, we are turning a pole barn into a house!  I think that about covers it.

I have a few winter projects planned.  I’d like to finish up the afghan that I started last winter.   I really want to make myself some arm warmers.  I have a beautiful old wooden kitchen table to restore and a grandfather clock to put together.  If I don’t make a batch of soap soon I’m going to have a smelly family!

Whew, I’m exhausted again just thinking of that to-do list!  Anyone out there have some insane need to come and do some hard physical labor in exchange for a meal and a tent?  Yeah, I didn’t think so…

Truthfully, though, I’m looking forward to getting an early start tomorrow after my day of rest and relaxation.  I remember, now, why I’m doing all of this and I’ve found my motivation again.  I won’t stay away so long and I promise to come up with something brilliant for my next post.  In the meantime, if you really need to find me, look in the greenhouse or out in the field.  I’ll probably be there talking to the plants and playing in the dirt!



Tamara's Herbes, LLC is not attempting to diagnose or treat any illnesses or diseases. None of our products or statements have been approved by the FDA, the CDC or any other governing bodies. Always consult your healthcare provider before consuming any herbs, as they may interact with prescription medications. Any information given is for informational purposes only. Please be responsible and research anything that you are putting in or on your body.

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